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Read all about it

All the news about our befriending and handyperson services, activities and clothing swap shop boutiques, and how LEAP is continuing to support older people through the Coronavirus pendemic.

Scottish Fire and Rescue Service answers call from local charity

When LEAP wanted to promote its shopping and distant befriending services, Scottish Fire and Rescue’s South Lanarkshire Community Action Team stepped up to help deliver more than 10,000 leaflets to almost 120 shops and pharmacies across the district.

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Even with Covid 19 restrictions around social distancing and isolating, elderly charity LEAP is still managing to help people with emergency handyperson work and vital personal shopping services.

When NHS Lanarkshire called LEAP about Ian Macdonald, an outpatient from

East Kilbride, who was being supplied with a hospital bed at home, it stepped in

to help out.

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Even with Covid 19 restrictions around social distancing and isolating, elderly charity LEAP is still managing to help people with emergency handyperson work.

Peter McLafferty from Rutherglen phoned LEAP after his new washing machine had been delivered but not plumbed in.

Father and son Stuart and Calum McGregor were soon at Ian’s home to carry out the work.

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Pupils at Newfield Primary in Stonehouse haven’t let coronavirus stop their Generation Friendship Group making an impact on the lives of the older people they have befriended.


The pupils had been welcoming the group into the school, including organising a birthday party for one of the group.

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The Mount Vernon branch of Howdens – Britain’s number one trade kitchen supplier – has made LEAP the recipient of its Christmas spirit this year.


The branch makes an annual donation to a local charity and this year decide to support LEAP with a cheque for £500.

Garry Fraser of Howdens presents Kevin K

LEAP presented with Older People's Project of the Year award at Herald Society dinner.

Introducing the award, host Jennifer Reoch, the TV and radio presenter, said all the finalists had been exceptional.

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An emotional Steven Lees paid tribute to LEAP volunteers when he presented the Betty Lees Trophy – named after his grandmother – to inaugural winner Ann Robertson, LEAP’s Volunteer of the Year.

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Lanarkshire charity R:evolve Recycle is reporting rises in referrals to its clothing bank that could be outstripping rises to foodbanks.


In April, the Trussell Trust reported a 19 per cent rise in referrals to foodbanks and, though not on the same numbers scale, R:evolve has seen a 34 per cent rise in referrals to its clothing bank in 2018-19, and a 60 per cent rise in the number of people it is being asked to support.

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R:evolve Recycle has been working hard to provide an alternative to the wasteful high street shopping model since 2015. Rather than people throwing away their clothing they encourage swapping and sharing instead. Christina McKelvie, local MSP for Hamilton, Larkhall and Stonehouse, visited the new R:evolve premises

at the heart of Hamilton Town Centre at 91 Quarry Street.


Anyone can drop in to the store and swap old clothing to earn points which they can use in exchange for a whole range of clothing including: shirts, jumpers, trousers, gym clothes, shoes and much more!

Read more
Christina McKelvie gets her eye on a dre

Glasgow MSP James Kelly is calling on the people of Rutherglen and beyond to become greener and make a positive impact on climate change following his visit to the town’s R:evolve Recycle store.


James already knew about and supported the work of LEAP, but with climate change being so high on people’s agendas just now, he wanted to find out

more about the sustainable fashion ethos of R:evolve Recycle’s projects.

James Kelly MSP signs up as a member wit

More than 70 volunteers gathered at the Cambuslang Institute during Volunteers Week to be applauded by LEAP, to whom they selflessly devote their spare time.


Volunteers from across South Lanarkshire attended the event, which started with LEAP Chair Gilbert Feron accepting an Investors in Volunteers Award from the volunteering organisation’s Allana Fotheringham.


Two amazing ladies from R:evolve Recycle have raised more than £1,600 (and rising) by walking the West Highland Way in just four days.


Taylor McKeown and Wendy Russell set off on Friday 10 May to cover almost a marathon distance every day to reach the finish line in Fort William on 13 May 

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For Jim Lannigan and Aaron Kerr, from Lanarkshire Credit Union, it felt better to

give than to receive this Easter, when they gave 50 chocolate eggs to LEAP to

hand out to people it supports.

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Our Learning and Leisure spring programme of events for Cambuslang and Rutherglen, and Hamilton have both been launched.


You can find out all about the classes, and a lot more besides, in our spring newsletters. AND, you get the chance to let us know what you think of our Learning and Leisure services. We look forward to hearing from you.


Lynn Robertson thought she had seen all the highs and lows at Ibrox, but was totally stunned when Broxi Bear turned up at her door to personally deliver a VIP tour of the famous Glasgow stadium.


The surprise visit was arranged by local charity LEAP after it heard from grandson

Jon Stonefield how Lynn had spent more than 22 years managing the members’ season ticket area catering from 1962 to 1984.

SURPRISE VISIT...Broxi Bear drops in to

Lanarkshire Charity LEAP has secured more than £47,000 funding for its Leisure

and Learning programme for older people in the area.


The charity was set up more than 25 years ago by older people in the Cambuslang area because of a lack of things for them to do.


That is still the base on which the charity works today, and the National Lottery award from The National Lottery Community Fund, totalling £47,140, will allow it to continue its activity programme for a further two years.

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Listen to Catriona MacGregor, Learning Co-ordinator, and Kevin Key, Handyperson

Co-ordinator, talk to KJ on Camglen about our learning programme and the need for more handypersons across the Rutherglen and Cambuslang area.


The LEAP Project’s R:evolve Recycle clothing shops have won this year’s Climate Challenge Fund Award for reducing waste.


They picked up the award at a ceremony which took place in Perth Concert Hall on 12 December, organised by environmental charity Keep Scotland Beautiful on behalf of the Scottish Government.


Staff and volunteers from LEAP’s Hands On Project raise more than £415 in Asda bag pack day


Local elderly charity Lightburn Elderly Association Project (LEAP) has raised more than £415 for its Hands On Project (HOP) through a bag packing day in Asda Blantyre.

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Copyright 2020 LEAP Project. LEAP is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation registered in Scotland No SC024196. Privacy Policy.

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