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Unique recycle scheme wins Climate Challenge Fund award

R:evolve Recycle clothing shops praised for linking

climate change to clothing choices


The LEAP Project’s R:evolve Recycle clothing shops

have won this year’s Climate Challenge Fund Award

for reducing waste.


They picked up the award at a ceremony which took

place in Perth Concert Hall on 12 December,

organised by environmental charity Keep Scotland

Beautiful on behalf of the Scottish Government.


The shops’ unique recycling ethos was praised by

the judges for reducing carbon emissions due to

clothing and textile waste, and for “seamlessly linked

clothing choices to carbon emissions and climate



The judges were also impressed by the range of

activities undertaken at the shops, including swap

shop boutiques, repair and upcycling workshops

and an education programme for young people.


Wendy Russell, R:evolve Recycle’s Sustainability

Development Manager, said: “We are really proud to

have won this award as it reflects perfectly what we

are trying to do at R:evolve Recycle.


“We help tackle climate change bringing back a

'make-do-and-mend' culture – something more

commonly found within the older generation.


“We also want to make swapping, sharing and

upcycling a natural part of high streets in South              AWARD WINNING... One of R:evolve Recycle's swap shop clothing boutiques



All of these efforts have seen R:evolve Recycle save the equivalent of almost 300 tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions through the amount of clothes it recycled last year alone.


Wendy added: “Sustainability is key to our thinking. For instance, one pair of denims will use almost 4,000 litres of water during its life – from growing cotton to washing.


“So the more we can do to extend the life of clothes will have a positive impact on the planet’s resources, and reduces the impact of climate change.


“This award is confirmation that we are making a positive impact, and including climate change as part of people’s decision-making when it comes to choosing new clothes.”


And, at the ceremony, volunteer development officer Anne-Marie Clements dedicated the award to the small army of volunteers whose commitment and support make all this possible.


To find out more about R:evolve Recycle, or about volunteering, visit any of our shops in Cambuslang, Hamilton or Rutherglen, call 0141 6415169 or visit


Copyright 2020 LEAP Project. LEAP is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation registered in Scotland No SC024196. Privacy Policy.

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