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LEAP hails 'immense' volunteers


More than 70 volunteers gathered

at the Cambuslang Institute during

Volunteers Week to be applauded

by LEAP, to whom they selflessly

devote their spare time.


Volunteers from across South

Lanarkshire attended the event,

which started with LEAP Chair

Gilbert Feron accepting an

Investors in Volunteers Award

from the volunteering organisation’s

Allana Fotheringham.


The award marks LEAP’s

re-accreditation for the third

consecutive year.


The guests then enjoyed a great

murder mystery event before being

served lunch by members of

LEAP’s staff.


Stuart McGregor, LEAP’s Executive Director, said: “having the opportunity to get our volunteers together is an amazing thing for us, recognising how selfless these people are by giving so much of their time to the people we support, and asking for nothing in return.


“They do not realise the immense difference they make to the quality of people’s lives.”


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