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Charity bags extra funds

Local elderly charity Lightburn Elderly Association

Project (LEAP) has raised more than £415 for its

Hands On Project (HOP) through a bag packing

day in Asda Blantyre.


17 staff and volunteers made light work of packing

customers’ bags, raising money in the process and

talking to people about the work of LEAP and HOP.


At the end of a busy day, the team had raised

£415.62 and – equally important – signed up three

new volunteers for the Hands On Project’s

befriending scheme.


Volunteer Development Officer Jodie Phillips was

overjoyed with the result.


Jodie said: “We thought we might raise about £100

on the day, which would have been great, but to

raise more than four times that is just amazing.


“Everyone was so generous, and wanted to know

more about how the charity helped older people.


“It was really good having the time just to chat to

people about what we do, and three people have

asked to join HOP as volunteers.


“That’s every bit as important as the money we



The money will now be used to help HOP support

people through its befriending and handyperson



Jodie said: “We already support more than 100

people in Blantyre alone, and this cash will help us

continue that good work.


“The Hands On Project – and the LEAP charity as a

whole – relies on donations to keep its services

going, and this money will go directly into delivering

those front-line services.


Asda’s Community Champion Jackie Brown helped

set up the day, and was equally delighted with the         THANK YOU... Jodie was overjoyed with the amount Asda's customers gave us



Jackie said: “What a great result. Our customers are really helpful when it comes to supporting local charities and they have shown again how generous they are.”


LEAP Chair Gilbert Feron said: “My hat goes off to our wonderful staff and volunteers. They do a marvellous job.


“I started with LEAP as a volunteer more than 20 years ago. It changed my life, and today I see our Hands On Project changing the lives of so many other people.


“And you could too. The Project already has a waiting list of people in Blantyre wanting to use its befriending service so all new volunteers will be very welcome.”


If you want to know more about volunteering with HOP, visit or call 0141 641 5169.

Jodie bag pack 13 Nov.jpg

Copyright 2020 LEAP Project. LEAP is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation registered in Scotland No SC024196. Privacy Policy.

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