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Surprise treat for Stonehouse group


Pupils at Newfield Primary in Stonehouse haven’t let coronavirus stop their Generation Friendship Group making an impact on the lives of the older people they have befriended.


The pupils had been welcoming the group into the school, including organising a birthday party for one of the group.


But with no-one able to visit due to the social restrictions in place just now, they organised treat boxes for all of people in the group and contacted Russell Smith in Avondale LEAP - who facilitate the group - to ask if he could deliver them.


Russell did just that and was taken aback by the reaction. Russell said: “The big smiles and grateful thanks from each client for such a kind and thoughtful gesture by the school and kids was extremely humbling and gratifying.


“Every one of them expressed heartfelt thanks and are now preparing thank you messages and letters to the school and pupils.”


And not content with treat boxes, the pupils are now writing letters and messages to the group so they can keep in touch until they can visit again.


Amanda Johnston, acting principal teacher at Newfield Primary, said: "The pupils were very keen to keep the group going through this crisis.


“We got treat boxes made up and sent to LEAP for them to deliver.


“Now the pupils are writing to the group and sending me their letters and messages which I will ask LEAP to deliver again.


“It’s really great to see how much everyone is getting out of the group. Intergenerational projects benefit young and old alike and we will keep the group going as long as we can.”


Marie Campbell, who was one of the people who received a surprise treat box, said: “It was a lovely surprise to get a treat box, really lovely.


“I love going to the group and meeting the schoolchildren. One time they had a pet day and it was great. I thoroughly enjoyed talking to them and I really enjoy their company.


“I’m glad the pupils and teachers have found a way to keep the group going.”

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